The first Linux Developers Meeting took place 1995 in Solingen.
15 developer have met in a large appartment where their host,
Thorsten Floeck, was able to provide enough space, electricity and
food. They developed drivers for Amiga computers.
During the following years Frank
Neumann took over the job of running the meeting at the
University of Oldenburg. Since then the Oldenburg Developers
Meeting has been a successful tradition of Linux hacking.
From 1999, Martin
Schulze took over the initiative to run the meeting. In 1999
and 2000 he organized a large Linux exhibition in addition to the
meeting. The meetings are still held at the University Oldenburg whose
Computing Center thankfully provides space, electricity, network and
Linux Developers Meeting
The meetings are archived on this server. If you have any
questions concerning these meetings, please send a mail to Martin
'Joey' Schulze <joey@infodrom.org>.
- #F, Essen 2015 (June)
- #D, Essen 2009 (April 30th - Mai 3rd)
- #C.2, Essen 2008 (October 2nd - October 5th)
- #C.1, Kiel 2008 (August 29th - 31st)
- #B, Essen 2007 (August 10th - 12th)
- #A, Oldenburg 2005 (September 21st - 25th)
- #9, Oldenburg 2004 (September 22nd - 26th)
- #8, Oldenburg 2003 (September 25th - 28th)
- #7, Oldenburg 2002 (September 26th - 29th)
- #6, Oldenburg 2001 (September 27th - 30th)
- #5, Oldenburg 2000 (October 12th - 15th)
- #4, Oldenburg 1999 (October 15th - 17th)
- #3, Oldenburg 1998 (September 18th - 20th)
- #2, Oldenburg 1997 (September 19th - 21th)
- #1, Oldenburg 1996 (July 12th - 14th)
- #0, Solingen 1995 (October 13th - 15th)
- Frank Neumann, who organized the meeting from 1996 to 1998
- Dirk Menz from the University who provided network and housing
from 1996 to 1998
- Jürgen Weiß from the Computing Center who provided network and
housing from 1999 until now
- All developers who have attended one of these meetings and who
have helped making Linux such a success.
Meeting Time Calculation
The general rule to determine when the developers meeting will take
place is the last weekend in September starting on Thursday or