This (pretty late) page contains some images from the Linux/m68k programmer's meeting which took place in Oldenburg from July 12th to 14th. Very much like the meeting we held in Solingen the year before, this meeting was intended to bring programmers together for quick & good solutions to problems, seeign the faces behind the e-mail addresses, and in general for having fun. Oh, one thing more - some people asked for the image that I used to print the T-shirts. Well, here it is, either the PNG image (see the PNG home page). This one is losslessly compressed, while the JPEG image is a more commonly used format, though slightly lossy. I declare those images as Public Domain - do with them whatever you want (well, the penguin is of course not by me). Though, if you print T-shirts from this, I'd like to at least hear about it. It makes me feel good. :-) I enjoyed the meeting - I hope everyone else did. A second meeting is planned for '97 (click here for information), and I hope to see most of you there again (and more!). Special thanks go to the following persons for helping me in planning, organizing etc.:
So, that's it. I know these images come VERY late, and unfortunately I forgot about most of the other things in the meantime that I wanted to write about - hopefully that will improve with this years' meeting. Frank Neumann
© Joey, last modified: September 7, 2001, page source | · Oldenburger Linux Developers Meeting |