Hi folks, following a 2(3?)-year old tradition, it appeared like a good idea to me to hold another programmer's meeting here in Oldenburg this year, and as I hope that everyone else who attended it the last time(s) liked it as much as I did, I hope you crowds will come again. Besides, this is most definitely the last meeting of this kind I'll be able to organize as it looks like I'll start real-life work somewhere near March '99. So here it is, the invitation to the 3rd Linux/m68k (/ppc/i386/whatever) programmer's meeting in Oldenburg, Germany - Taking place from September 18th to September 20th, 1998 -
Just like the last years, the purpose of this meeting is to get as much of the Linux/m68k core developers and active users together to discuss current problems, show off projects, exchange news, and generally to have fun. I already asked a few of you via IRC or privately about what time would fit you best, and now I hope that most others will be able to come, too. Oldenburg, for those not knowing, is in the north of germany, some 40 kilometers from Bremen. The meeting yet again takes place in the rooms of our university's library, and up to 30 attendants should be no problem. Also following old tradition, it should be no problem again to connect our machines to the Internet via the library's network (standard 10 MBit/s Ethernet). I know people liked this very much last year for transferring lots of software onto their harddisks, burning CDs etc. As most of the items from the previous meetings are still valid for this year, I'll just do some cut&paste now: It would be good if everyone takes all his networking hardware with him because even an internal network can be fun (as we noticed in Solingen '95). That's things like:
What else you should take with you
Eating & drinkingBreakfast: I'll buy bread, buns, etc. for us for both days. Breakfast was sometimes a bit 'simplistic' last year, but you won't starve. :-) Lunch: Everybody should buy for himself what he needs - be that junk food, going to a restaurant, or whatever. Supper: I'll see what nearby restaurants we can rush - but I can imagine it will be much like last year, with a very nearby restaurant on Friday night and driving into the city center on Saturday. Drinking: I'll be buying what you ask for - water, apple/orange juice, coke or whatever. Please fill out the form below and tell me your wishes. Toilets/showersToilets are just next door. As for showers, we'll be able to use those of the sports department of our university. It's about 1 km away, but we all have cars, so that should pose no problem. General things
Getting hereI'll dig out the old maps/images I prepared in '96 and make them available through my home page again in a few days. I'll tell you when and where they are available. Those without direct Internet access should mail me so I can send the maps to them directly. Open questions
If you want to make comments to the above part of this mail, feel free to send it to the list. Please do not send the form below to the list, however. Watch the Reply-To: line. Please fill out the following form and send it back to ME (not to the list, please!). If you want to leave an item empty, do so by leaving the empty brackets, like this: []. Hi Frank, yes, I'd like to come to your programmer's meeting. [FILL_OUT] (date) at around [FILL_OUT] (time) and will stay until [FILL_OUT] (date). [FILL_OUT] [FILL_OUT] [FILL_OUT] (number of tables and sockets). [FILL_OUT] [FILL_OUT] along this route of cities: [FILL_OUT] no car/do not want to drive myself. I'm looking for a lift from somewhere near [FILL_OUT]. [FILL_OUT] (suggestions: mineral water,coke,apple/orange juice,..) [FILL_OUT] Hoping for a lot of responses, Frank Neumann
© Joey, last modified: September 10, 2001, page source | · Oldenburger Linux Developers Meeting |